The moral, social and solidarity contract at CBOne

"Les Êtres Humains naissent et demeurent libres et égaux en droits ". 

Declaration of the Rights of the Human Being and of the Citizen of 1789, at the beginning of the French revolution

It is in the light of this beautiful idea, revolutionary in many ways, that we wish to introduce the moral, social and solidarity contract of CBOne.

This article discusses the issue of gender-streaming at CBOne, the question being how we actually contribute to it in a positive manner. The objective is to rebalance the proportion of women and men in technical professions, based on the observation that women are currently under-represented. While our model excludes positive discrimination (difficult in a small company), the application of the following set of rules led to a smooth and natural transition towards effective gender equity, that was achieved as of 2018. In 2021, female researchers covered 56% of the total work.


Read more: The moral, social and solidarity contract at CBOne

Solutions for a better combustion

You have the fuel, we have the spark!

Combustion Bay One is an engineering office specialised in advanced combustion management,
 situated in Graz, Austria.


Less fuel consumption, less pollutant emissions, more flexibility, more safety for your thermal facilities.

CBOne Pop


Read more: Solutions for a better combustion

Picture Gallery

Journal paper 2020, Forcing Pulsations by Means of a Siren for Gas Turbine Applications: all in one figure! 

Read more: Picture Gallery

Introducing CBOne

Combustion Bay One e.U. is the first engineering platform in Austria designed for Research and Development on advanced combustion management.

We come from the world of gas turbines, and we cover all subjects relating to combustion in continuous-flow machines, i.e. with a continuous flame, in constant-pressure processes.

Expertise. Mechanical engineering. Design of parts subject to high mechanical or thermal stress, in static or dynamic situations. Flow simulation. Production of prototypes. Test campaigns. Instrumentation. You'll find it all here.

CBOne team 2021

Publications & Contributions 2021-2022 are written among others by the following people: Bugra Akin, Andrea Hofer, Nina Paulitsch, Fabrice Giuliani



Read more: Introducing CBOne

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