Dr. Fabrice Giuliani
Head of Combustion Bay One
advanced combustion management
Head Quarters (HQ)
CBOne / HQ,
Schuetzenhofgasse 22-7,
8010 Graz, Austria
Engineering, Research & Development (RD)
CBOne / RD
Ruckerlberggasse 13
8010 Graz, Austria
Opportunity, Prospect, Business Development & Initiative (OP)
CBOne / OP
Ruckerlberggasse 13
8010 Graz, Austria
Phone CBOne: 43 (0)316 22 89 80
Mobile: 43 (0)650 347 16 45
Fax: 43 (0)316 22 89 80 15
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Coming to visit us?
Dear Visitors, most of our Rendez-vous take place at the Ruckerlberggasse location. Please check twice before going to the Schuetzenhof location.
Ruckerlberggasse 13, A8010 Graz:
Dpt. Engineering, Research & Development
Dpt. Opportunity, Prospect, Business Development & Initiative
Schuetzenhofgasse 22-7, A8010 Graz: