Patent AT516424B1: The Pilot Flame as a Tuneable Thermoacoustic Driver for Combustion Control
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- Published on Tuesday, 05 May 2020 18:01
The patent about the MethaNull technology is granted. The idea is the precision drive of thermoacoustics for a positive impact on the combustion quality using a pilot burner, and the related method makes use of a siren as an exciter.
At the occasion of the recent publication on our patent AT516424B1 (link EPO/Espacenet, link Austrian Patent Office, link Google patents), here is a brief overview of the invention.
Better, safer, cleaner combustion
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- Published on Monday, 08 October 2018 09:42
How can one drastically reduce fuel consumption? If the margin in terms of gains in efficiency at the main operation point is low (less than 5% using conventional combustion on most of the thermal facilities), the margin in terms of fuel savings at off-design operation is much greater.
Combustion technologies can be improved. Furthermore, the operating costs of thermal facilities can be reduced while improving safety. We address these affirmations with three flagship projects at CBOne: MethaNull, rePorT, and emootion.
At Combustion Bay One, we own these technologies, we fine-tune these and we regularly publish our results.